trip planner Theatre Night

Czech Noc divadel

Make a note in your diary: On November 16, 2019 you will have a unique chance to deepen the bond that already exists between you and artists, attend workshops, lectures, book signings or participate in discussions with directors or touring the backstage in small and big theatres.

This edition will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, bearing a subtitle called Theatre and Freedom. In Czechoslovakia, theatre played an important role in the political changes in the 1990s.

Theatre Night is organised within the European Theatre Night project, which was launched in Croatia in 2008. Last year, 109 institutions from 30 Czech and Moravian towns and cities participated at the project which was visited by 40.000 visitors. In Prague, 52 theatres and ensembles prepared a programme for visitors.

Type Night of the Theatres
Event venue
Date and time of event Sat 11/15/2019
Barrier-free access No
Data source Prague City Tourism