trip planner Grand opening concert of Smetana's Litomyšl Festival

Czech Slavnostní zahajovací koncert festivalu Smetanova Litomyšl

The international opera festival Smetana's Litomyšl is the oldest music festival in the Czech Republic (founded 1949) after Prague Spring and the largest "open-air" classical music festival held in our country. It takes place every year in late June, early July at the birthplace of the composer Bedrich Smetana - at the Litomyšl Chateau. Diverse dramaturgy, including not only works of opera, but also concerts, oratorios and musical staging projects annually brings in thousands of visitors to the auditorium, enchanted by the excellent acoustics of the second courtyard and unrepeatable atmosphere of the chateau hill.

Type classical music, concert, music festival, opera aria, singing, choirs
Entry forbidden with animals
Event venue Litomyšl Chateau (Litomyšl)
Date and time of event Thu 6/11/2015 18:00
Component of festival

Component of recurring event (Smetanova Litomyšl
Barrier-free access No
Data source Litomyšl Information Centre